TRIO SSS Tutor Request
Please complete the form to request a TRIO SSS Tutor.
Please Choose the best way to be contacted:
Tutoring Availability
(Please select all that apply)
Is the course being requested a course you have previously taken?
If yes, what was your biggest obstacle with successfully completing the course?
In what way do you need help with the requested course/s?
What type of tutoring are you interested in?
(Choose all that apply)
Please fill in course name, number, and current grade (Ex. MATH 1220 / 75% or MATH 1220 / C+)
Tutoring Contract:
Participant Responsibilities for Tutoring:Â Participants of the NMSU TRIO SSS Program who request tutoring should adhere to the following rules:
Anyone who is not in compliance of the tutoring contract will risk a suspension in service until contract compliance occurs.
- As a TRIO SSS Participant, I am ultimately responsible for my success or failure in my classes.
- I agree to establish a set weekly meeting time and location with my tutor.
- I agree to confirm all scheduled appointments with my tutor/s and place the appointment on my calendar during my first tutoring session.
- I agree to complete a smart goals worksheet, learning styles inventory, and I agree to document my tutor/s contact information at the conclusion of my first tutoring session.
- If I request to receive weekly tutoring, I agree to meet with my tutor(s) one hour per week for all scheduled tutoring meetings.
- I agree to meet with the Tutor Coordinator to complete the appropriate paperwork if I need to request additional tutoring time. Additional hours will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Tutor Coordinator.
- It is my responsibility and I agree to arrive on time for all scheduled tutoring appointments.
- I agree to notify my tutor if I will be late to my scheduled appointment. If I fail to notify my tutor or if I fail to arrive within 15 minutes of my scheduled tutoring session; I will be considered a No Show.
- I agree that if my tutor has not been directly notified of a late arrival (of up to 15 minutes), they will wait for 15 minutes before cancelling my session. This session will be documented as a "No Show" and I agree to meet with the Tutor Coordinator regarding the missed session.
- It is my responsibility to notify my tutor of all canceled or missed tutoring appointments. If I must cancel, I agree to notify the tutor at least one hour in advance and prior to my tutoring session.
- I agree that if I miss two or more sessions or if I frequently cancel or miss my tutor appointments, I will be required to meet with the Tutor Coordinator to discuss my tutoring needs.
- I agree that numerous incidents of tardiness and/or cancellations will result in being placed in a drop-in tutoring status.
- I agree that I will only be able to reschedule my tutoring appointment one time in any given calendar week.
- Â I agree to meet with the Tutor Coordinator and complete the appropriate paperwork if I drop a class in which I am receiving tutoring.
- I agree to come prepared to all tutoring appointments by bringing my textbook, notes, homework, pen/pencil and other necessary materials needed.
- I agree that it is my responsibility to read my textbook, review my notes, do my homework, and have questions ready for my tutor/s prior to my tutoring sessions
- I agree and understand that the tutor is not permitted to do my homework, writing assignments, projects or assist me with take-home quizzes or exams.
- I agree that it is my responsibility to take an active role in my learning and I am required to actively participate in all tutor sessions.
- I agree to complete a post-assessment analysis with my tutor after each exam and it is my responsibility to keep my tutor informed of all test, quiz and homework scores as well as review my grades on canvas with my tutor on a regular basis.
- I understand that if the University puts me on academic warning or academic probation, I may be required to meet with a TRIO tutor weekly for the duration of the semester and be required to attend two or more tutoring workshops.
- I agree to attend two or more tutoring or study skill workshops and/or group sessions throughout the semester if I am failing or re-taking the course in which I am receiving tutoring.
- I understand that I may be assigned to drop-in or group tutoring if individual tutoring is not available.
- If I request drop-in tutoring, I agree to meet with my assigned tutor within one week of the tutor assignment in order to complete my learning styles assessment and smart goals worksheet.
- If I am assigned to drop-in tutoring, I agree to meet with my assigned tutor monthly.
- I understand that the Tutor Coordinator will refer me to other tutoring services on campus if there are no TRIO SSS tutors available for the course/s for which I am requesting tutoring.
I have read, understood, and agree to abide by all aspects of the tutoring contract.
Click here to start signing.